Hi, thanks for visiting! I'm Sreya and I'm a third year undergraduate student attending the University of Michigan, studying computer science and chemistry.


Integrating 'xyz2mol'
into the RDKit

organic molecule
2022: C++   Python   Open Source

I integrated 'xyz2mol', originally developed by Professor Jan H. Jensen's group at the University of Copenhagen, into the RDKit, an open source cheminformatics library.
The integrated feature, given a molecule's charge and the spatial location of each of its atoms, predicts the molecule's most favorable set of bonds. I translated the original Python code to C++ and wrote an XYZ file parser. I also wrote unit tests and documentation for the feature. It is now available in the RDKit's C++, Python, and Java APIs.


ascii pikachu
2022: Python   Open Source

I made a tool to get any Pokémon's profile straight from the command line. It has a built-in spelling corrector, so you don't have to know how to spell pikachoo.
The feature can be installed with one command. Users can update their local Pokémon database (with data from the PokéAPI) whenever they choose; I use concurrency to speed up the program's update process. Each Pokémon's profile comes with its egg-groups, its evolution chain, and a fun fact (and they might not get the same one every time they ask). As a bonus, users can ask for a random Pokémon and may be lucky enough to stumble upon some ASCII Pokémon art.